Swansea Bay University Health Board is celebrating after winning at the NHS Wales Awards 2024.
Impressive new facilities at Morriston's centre of excellence provide major boost for patients and staff
Clare Hanley and Alison Davies have raised £1,400 in memory of their father David Catley, who died last year.
A daring fundraiser’s charity challenge inspired by his father’s cancer diagnosis surpassed its famous five target by reaching a magnificent seven.
Don't come to the Emergency Department (A&E) unless absolutely unavoidable.
A scheme where pharmacists can help determine whether a sore throat needs to be treated or not is helping people in the community.
Will Thomas will embark on epic adventure in memory of his late dad Brian.
A Swansea smoker has vowed to quit the habit after a cancer diagnosis, saying he never thought it would happen to him.
A Sanctuary for Children and Young People going through emotional and mental health crisis is now open 24/7.
A woman left temporarily unable to walk after suffering burns from a hot water bottle has urged others to take care as winter approaches.
Youngsters at a Swansea Valley school have helped raise thousands of pounds for the South West Wales Cancer Centre.
A former Wales rugby captain-turned GP is helping tackle a heart related medical condition that can lead to the most serious form of stroke.
Two new websites will provide extra resources for both adults and children
Patients can receive complex dental treatment closer to home as part of a service being piloted in Swansea Bay.
Baby Loss Support Champions now on hand to offer emotional and practical help.
Fantastic fundraising a shining example of how you can help our Going the Extra Mile for Cancer appeal
The arrival of your first baby is a truly memorable occasion for most couples but for Lauren and Alex Kiley, it could so easily have turned into a nightmare.
Young patients at Neath Port Talbot Hospital will soon be able to get closer to nature in a newly-designed wildlife garden with a focus on biodiversity.
Claire and Sharon were inspired to help by the work of their Bonymaen ACT colleague in Liberia
Male staff are digging deep in more ways than one to break the stigma on mental health.
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