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Blood Tests

Blood being drawn from a patient



Please note the following restrictions for booking blood tests:

Patient Age

For children under the age of 12 requiring a blood test, the paediatric department should be contacted directly to make an appointment. The blood test booking line does not book appointments for under 12s and these cannot be booked via the online booking system at any of the sites. See information regarding children’s blood tests in the FAQ section below.

Restrictions for certain tests

The following tests must be performed at a specific site: 

Quantiferon: Only available at Singleton, Morriston or NPTH Monday - Thursday mornings.

Cryoglobulins: Only available at Morriston

General information 

Blood tests, clinically referred to as phlebotomy, have a wide range of uses and are one of the most common types of medical tests.

A blood test can be used to assess your general state of health, check if you have an infection, see how well certain organs such as the liver and kidneys are working and screen for certain genetic conditions.

You must have a blood form to book your appointment for a blood test

The quickest and easiest way to book is by using the link above to the online booking page.

If you can’t book online you can telephone 01792 601807, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 4pm.

  • There will be a fixed number of appointments available for booked blood tests at each hospital site daily.
  • Please attend blood test appointments alone. Only children or those who are vulnerable may be accompanied into our hospitals due to Covid-19 restrictions. Please do not arrive in the department more than five minutes before your appointment.
  • Disabled access: For health and safety reasons we reserve the right to prioritise patients with mobility issues at our clinics. 
  • If you require multiple blood tests at fixed intervals, or need to book a blood test more than four weeks in advance please contact our booking team on 01792 601807.

Please make every effort to attend booked blood test appointments. We keep a record of missed appointments.

Do not attend for a blood test if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Temperature or fever in the last 48 hours
  • A new persistent cough in the last 48 hours 
  • Loss or change to sense of smell or taste
  • If you live in the same house as someone who has developed the above symptoms or has had a positive COVID-19 test in the last 14 days.

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth a galwadau ffôn yn y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg. Atebir gohebiaeth Gymraeg yn y Gymraeg, ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at oedi. Mae’r dudalen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg drwy bwyso’r botwm ar y dde ar frig y dudalen.

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