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Occupational Therapy

A young girl smiling at the camera

Follow this link to a PDF document, created by the Swansea Parent Career Forum, Swansea Council and Swansea Bay UHB, with Covid-19 information for Parent/Carers. 

Occupational therapist’s (OTs) work with children and young people who have difficulties with daily activities e.g. going to the park, scribbling and drawing, playing with toys, getting dressed, having a bath. We call these ‘occupations’. OTs help children and young people to carry out activities they need or want to do in areas of self-care, school work and play. Our aim is to support children to learn new skills to help them become more independent. We do this together with the parent, child, teacher or other professionals the child may be known to.

For more guidance for parents follow this link to the Welsh Government page 'Parenting. Give it time'.

For more information on understanding your child's development follow this link to the Welsh Government page 'Your child’s development'.



Follow this link for information about our social media handles.

Follow this link to a leaflet on how to join a virtual group for parental wellbeing.

Follow this link to view the ‘Helping Children to Develop and Thrive’ leaflet from The College of Occupational Therapy for more information on paediatric Occupational Therapy - which is in PDF format.

If you are unhappy about care or treatment provided by the Paediatric Occupational Therapy Service of Swansea Bay University Health Board, please let us know so that we can look at what went wrong and try to make it better. You can find further information about how to do this via the Putting Things Right section of the Swansea Bay UHB website.

Follow this link to the Complaints page on the Swansea Bay UHB website to access the Putting Things Right section.