Welcome to the Paediatric Dietitians at Swansea Bay University Health Board, thank you for visiting our web page.
What we do
Children’s Dietitians work with children, we are specially trained to understand science, health and food. Our job is to talk to children and their families to help them to understand how the food they eat can help them to stay as fit and healthy as possible. The children who come to see us have different medical conditions so we have to think about the foods and drinks that are the best for each child.
We help children of all ages from newborn babies to teenagers. You may see us if you stay on the children’s ward or in the children clinics.
Some illnesses mean that children need to avoid certain food, for example they may be allergic to a food. The dietitian will help you to change the foods you are eating to avoid any that may cause you to feel unwell. They will also make sure that your new diet has all the right nutrients for you to grow and help to make choices about foods to eat when you are at home, in school or out and about.
Sometimes when children are unwell and staying in hospital they don’t feel like eating so we will visit you on the ward to make sure that we give you the right foods to help your appetite. We like to make sure that children are growing even if they are unwell.
Dietitians work closely with children, parents, doctors, nurses, catering staff, schools and other colleagues to help children to get the right nutrition.
When would I need to see a Dietitian
Doctors, nurses or other staff may suggest that it would be helpful to see a dietitian, they will then write to us to tell us why you need our help.
We are often asked to see children;-
If you would like to see a dietitian you can speak to your doctor about this.
Coming to see us in clinics
Before your clinic visit
When we are asked to see children and families, we telephone or write to your parents to make an appointment. We then send an appointment letter which tells you the time, date and place for your appointment. The letter will also tell you which dietitian you are going to see (find out more about your dietitian on the link below).
Before you come to your appointment we would like you to keep a three day food diary. You can bring this to your appointment and it will help us to talk about the foods you like and think about any changes that we may need to make.
The food diary will be in your appointment letter but you can also download a copy here.
You may also want to write down any questions that you would like to ask us.
Visiting us in clinic
When you arrive at the clinic you will be ask to take a seat in the waiting area. There are some toys and books to keep you busy but you may want to bring something with you, if you would prefer.
The dietitian will call you from the waiting area. We often like to measure you before the clinic appointment to see how you are growing. To measure you we will ask you to take off your shoes and any coats or jumpers. The dietitian will explain to you how you are growing.
In the clinic you can ask us any questions that you have. Some families bring in a list of questions or food packets/ boxes that they want to talk to us about.
We will usually ask you and your parent/ guardian about any medical conditions you have. Find out a little more about your diet and then together we can think about a plan for you to try. We will decide together if you want to come back for another appointment to see how you are getting along with the ideas we have agreed to try.
We write down information about you in a record card that we keep safely in our office. If you want to look at your health records you can do this by
After your visit
It may be helpful to look at any leaflet that the dietitian has given you. You will also have our telephone number so you can ring us if you have any more questions.
We will write to your doctor and the person who ask us to see you and tell them that you have been to your appointment and we will explain to them the plan that we have agreed.
Sometimes we may suggest that you see another health professional to help you, if we think this would help you, we will tell you at your appointment with us and after your appointment we will write to them to ask for help.
Don’t forget that you can talk to us at any time.
Meet the team
Claire Wood
Ceri Ambrose
Leanne John
Claire Trigg
Sijbrgje Hood
Thomas Coles
Emma Morgan
Isabelle Williams
Rhiannon Miskin
Here’s what families who have visited the dietitian said about us…..
Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth a galwadau ffôn yn y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg. Atebir gohebiaeth Gymraeg yn y Gymraeg, ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at oedi. Mae’r dudalen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg drwy bwyso’r botwm ar y dde ar frig y dudalen.
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