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Win-win for Swansea Bay Health Charity and Swansea City

Footballers on a pitch with a big banner in front of them reading

What a result! Saturday saw a double win for our Swansea Bay Health Charity’s Cwtsh Clos Appeal and local football stars Swansea City.

The Swans’ Championship match against Blackburn was dedicated to Cwtsh Clos, an appeal which aims to raise £160,000 to pay for the refurbishment of five two-bedroom houses at Singleton Hospital used as temporary accommodation by families who have babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

And the big occasion proved a huge win-win as the charity (with a small army of volunteers) raised around £2,000 from bucket collections and online donations on the day, which is being matched by the club. Meanwhile the Swans players, wearing special shirts featuring the charity logo, put in one of their best performances of the season in a memorable 3-0 victory.

An auction of a signed Swans/Cwtsh Clos shirt is further boosting fundraising, with a bid of more than £2,000 pledged at the time of writing. In addition to the big fundraising boost, the appeal's profile was also taken on to a new level with the Swans promoting Cwtsh Clos at every opportunity, with big screen and advertising hoarding displays throughout the afternoon.

Pictured: One of our brilliant bucket collection volunteers.

Swansea Bay Health Charity support manager Lewis Bradley was joined by Swans legends Alan Curtis and Lee Trundle, plus local celebs Mal Pope and Kev Johns, to discuss why the appeal is so important in hospitality lounge presentations before and after the game, while Kev also interviewed Lewis about Cwtsh Clos on the pitch at half-time.

“Saturday really was the perfect win-win for the appeal and our charity,” Lewis said.

“I’d like to thank everyone at the Swans for embracing Cwtsh Clos, all the time and support they have given us and also thank everyone who kindly donated on the day and who will spread the word for us.

“I’d also like to thank all of our volunteers, who were wonderful, and everyone who has supported the appeal so far. We’re more than halfway to our target and have other, exciting events in the pipeline so watch this space.”

Prior to kick-off, players were greeted by a guard of honour, with banners and flags while one family who knows more than most how priceless the Cwtsh Clos houses are, Pepsi Evans, Scott James and their three children Jacob, Iyla and Noah, were there on the pitch to welcome both teams.

A man being interviewed on a football pitch

Pictured: Swansea Bay Health Charity support manager Lewis Bradley, discussing the appeal at half-time with Kev Johns.

Pepsi and Scott, a big Swans-supporting family from Merthyr, used the same Cwtsh Clos house twice in less than year as their boys Louie, who sadly passed away after six days and Jacob, who is now a thriving four-year-old, fought for their lives in Singleton Hospital’s NICU after being born prematurely.

The NICU provides care for around 500 babies a year, with families from all over Wales relying on the unit at Singleton - not just from the Swansea Bay area. Many live hours away by car and even longer by public transport, so it’s not practical to travel to and from the unit every day. But after many years of regular use, the five homes are in real need of some TLC to bring them back up to scratch and make them the kind of ‘home-from-home’ providing a welcoming sanctuary at a terrifying time for any parent.

Swans match-day host Mal Pope has backed the appeal from the beginning in memory of his grandson Gulliver, who was cared for in the NICU but tragically passed away after being born 18 weeks prematurely.

“When I heard about Cwtsh Clos it made me realise how lucky we were to live locally in such terrible circumstances,” said well-known musician, composer and BBC Wales radio presenter Mal.

“Gulliver arrived in the world after 21 weeks and left us after six days, so after going through this terrible experience as a family, I said I’d do anything I could to help the appeal.

“These houses make such a difference to so many families who need, like we did, to be as close by as possible when their little ones are being cared for in the NICU.”

Next on the agenda for the appeal is a special golf day at Fairwood Park Golf Club on 25th April. Watch out for more details.

If you’d like to support or fundraise for the Cwtsh Clos Appeal, please visit our Enthuse donation page for Cwtsh Clos here, where you will find more information.

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