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Llais launches project to hear your voice on maternity care in Swansea Bay Health Board

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*This press release has been posted on behalf of Llais.*

Llais, the independent body dedicated to representing the interests of the people of Wales, is seeking the views of people who have experience of Swansea Bay University Health Board maternity services. As a statutory body, the patient stories that Llais gathers, both good and bad, must be listened to by decision makers when they design and deliver services.

More than 3,000 babies are born in Swansea Bay Health Board each year, and families will have a wide range of experiences to share. Llais have made Having a Baby a Regional Priority as they have heard from the public that services have not been meeting everyone’s needs and this has affected people’s lives in many ways.

Over the next 10 weeks, Llais’ Neath Port Talbot and Swansea team will be engaging with people who have had experiences of maternity services within the last two years. The focus is finding out about:

  • the care you or your family received;
  • how you felt you were treated; and
  • your overall experience in using the services

By sharing your experience, you will help us to understand:

  • what went well
  • what didn’t go well
  • and to help to shape future service delivery.

Llais will be offering several ways for people to get involved and share their views and experiences, in ways that work for them. This will include hosting and visiting public events across the region and working with local groups and organisations to reach and hear from as many people as possible.

People can also share their experiences online, via the survey or get in touch to speak to the Neath Port Talbot and Swansea team directly.

Follow this link to the 'Having a Baby' survey.

There is also an independent review into maternity services, commissioned by Swansea Bay University Health Board (SBUHB), which is a separate topic that Llais is supporting families with. What Llais hears through the having a baby project will also feed into this review.

Mwoyo Makuto, Regional Director, Neath Port Talbot & Swansea Region says:

“The pressures facing maternity services across the Swansea Bay Health Board area are not unique to the region. Health Boards all over Wales and the UK are experiencing serious service pressures, particularly around workforce challenges. 

"Numerous reviews and investigations, as well as what families have told us in the past, all point to a need to listen better to patients and ensure services are learning from incidents when things go wrong.

"It is important that families share their experiences with it. Your feedback, both good and bad, has the potential to shape maternity care now and in the future."

Llais will be hosting 3 maternity experience focus groups in the local community. The only criteria for taking part is that you must live or use services in the Swansea Bay Health Board area. Dates and venues will be shared in the very near future. 

To register your interest in the Having a Baby project, or to find out how to get involved:

Call Llais Neath Port Talbot and Swansea: 01639 683490 or e-mail:

To learn more about Llais, their complaints advocacy service, and how they engage with the public to represent your views, please follow this link to their website.

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