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Annual reviews help to prevent future complications for diabetic patients

Dr Richard Tristham and Dr Richard Chudleigh sat at a desk

People with diabetes are being urged to come forward for their annual reviews to help manage their condition and prevent future problems.

Type 2 diabetes, where the body does not respond to insulin and is resistant to its effect, is much more common than type 1, where the body's immune system attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin.

In the UK, more than 90 per cent of all adults with diabetes have type 2.

Pictured: Dr Richard Tristham and consultant in diabetes Dr Richard Chudleigh.

While it can cause symptoms such as excessive thirst, tiredness and needing to pee a lot, the condition can also increase the risk of serious problems with the eyes, heart and nerves.

If it is not treated or managed correctly, complications can include heart disease and stroke, retina damage, kidney disease and foot problems.

There are eight key care processes that diabetic patients must be checked for annually.

They are:

• a HbA1c test to measure blood sugar

• a blood pressure test

• a BMI recording

• a urine test to check kidney function

• a blood test to measure creatinine which is also linked to kidney function

• a blood test to check cholesterol

• having their feet checked

• recording their smoking status.

It is crucial for people with diabetes to attend their blood and urine tests and reviews to prevent possible future complications, even if they are feeling well.

There may be changes happening to the body that patients are not aware of, so having the reviews done is really important.

Dr Richard Tristham is a GP partner at Cwmtawe Medical Group and the co-chair of Swansea Bay’s Diabetes Planning and Development Group.

He said: “Diabetes is a chronic condition which is increasing rapidly.

“We do these reviews to help improve patients’ diabetes but also to reduce their chances of developing complications.

“These can include kidney disease and blindness, and it can also cause heart attacks, stroke and a lack of sensation in the feet leading to potential amputations.

“It is a condition that needs to be taken very seriously because it can have a huge impact on patients.”

Type 1 diabetics who take insulin to manage their glucose levels have their reviews done in hospital, whereas type 2 diabetics are seen within primary care.

Many of the reviews can be done at the same time, such as a blood pressure test, BMI recording and smoking status, for example.

“It is just the one blood test for the sugar, cholesterol and creatinine checks and the urine sample can be dropped off at the same time,” Richard added.

“Patients can have their blood pressure, BMI and feet checked at the same time, as well as having their smoking status recorded.

“People don’t need lots of appointments to get the annual reviews done.”

There are a number of preventative steps type 2 diabetics can take to help manage their condition and prevent it from worsening, mainly by having a healthy diet and keeping active.

Richard said: “Most people with diabetes don’t have any symptoms until they have the complications associated with it.

“A lot of people will ignore the reviews and think they are fine.

“If a patient hasn’t had their reviews done for a while, they should contact their GP surgery.

“They should ask to speak to the doctor or nurse who runs the diabetic clinics so they can arrange an appointment.

“We would like patients to become more proactive with their reviews because it is really important for their health that they have them done.”

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