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Preventing and Managing Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)



  • A simple strategy to prevent infection is to increase your fluid intake (aim for 2.5 to 3 litres)
  • Empty your bladder after intercourse.
  • Use alternative contraception methods. Avoid diaphragm or condoms if able.
  • Wipe from front to back when using the toilet.
  • Avoid using cosmetic bath products or feminine hygiene douches.
  • Non-pregnant women may wish to try D-mannose tablets. (Not prescribed, available from health food shops-typical dose 500mg tablets)
  • Non-pregnant women may wish to try cranberry products (evidence uncertain). Cranberry should be avoided if you are on warfarin.
  • There is some evidence to suggest that the more alkaline (higher PH) your urine is may reduce the likelyhood of bacteria multiplying (Sheilds-Cutler et al, 2015). Non-pregnant women may wish to try magnesium citrate 300mg tablets (available from health food stores) to make your urine more alkaline. Potassium citrate (available from pharmacy) and sodium bicarbonate (1/2 teaspoon in 100mls of water 3 times a day) can also be used to make your urine more alkaline.
  • If you are female, over 45 years and menopausal, low dose vaginal oestrogen cream can protect against infection – ask your GP about this.
  • Lady Balance (vaginal prebiotic tablets) can be used to support the good bacteria in the vagina. Research is showing there is an interconnection between the bladder and vaginal microbiome (community of microorganisms) – ask your Gynaecologist about this.
  • Probiotics and/or Kefir (cultured yogurt/drink) could also be beneficial.

Please check with your GP before taking any of the supplements mentioned above



  • When you think you have a urine infection you should firstly collect a mid stream sample using the red top bottle (you can get this from your health professional at Suite 17 or GP). Gently clean the genital area with water and wash your hands before collecting the sample. After collection replace the red lid immediately and store the sample in the fridge until you take it to your GP surgery. Ensure you have properly labeled the sample bottle.
  • Whilst waiting for the results, start the antibiotics that your last infection was sensitive to. Complete the full course until your doctor tells you to stop.
  • After 3- 4 days call your GP for the results of your urine culture. The GP will advise you on whether you are on the correct antibiotic treatment. They may need to write up a new prescription for you, depending on what your results have shown.
  • Ask your GP for an antibiotic prescription so you can ‘self start’ the antibiotics at the first signs and symptoms of a urine infection in the future.
  • Ask your GP for pain medication if needed.
  • Some ladies find using an ice pack (wrapped in a damp towel) placed underneath can help with the burning symptoms of a UTI.
  • If your symptoms do not resolve, go back to see your GP.


Contact Numbers for Advice:

Continence Service Suite 17 Singleton Hospital                                   

01792 285384/285458

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