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You can find below a table detailing Llwchwr Cluster's plans for 2024/25. 

A table displaying Llwchwr Cluster's annual plans for 2024/25

Planned Care

Cancer & Palliative Care

Unscheduled Care

Mental Health & Learning Disabilities

Children, Young People & Maternity

Prevention & Reducing Health Inequalities

Increase use of Consultant Connect.

Promote the prescribing of low Global Warming Potential (GWP) inhalers.

Reduce prescribing of antibiotics.

Provision of an Audiology service.

Collaboration with Dietetic Service & Diabetes programme.

Deliver information and signposting for Cluster patients online.

Help me quit increase / Promote Smoking Cessation.

Enhanced activity for patients referred as Urgent Suspected Cancer (Gastro-Intestinal).



Increased vaccine uptake in target groups.

Standardised approaches leading to increased flu vaccine uptake.



New role non- GMS social Prescriber.

Delivery of annual health checks for patients with learning difficulties, including dental and optometry.

Psychological therapies commissioned.

Community Psychologist investment.

Psychological therapies.

Safeguarding – peer support enhancement & improved protocols.

Co-produce a community-based Healthy Lifestyle service.

Commence delivery of Primary and Community Services joint RPB Carers Plan for improving Carers' early identification; signposting; and support across agreed service areas of each LCC.

Work collaboratively with Swans Foundation to set up Community Programme focussing on healthy behaviours.

Provide a service that supports patients to lower or manage their risk of premature ill health and death – Health MOT.


A table displaying the staff and services which will help enable the plans



Business Development and Implementation Manager (BDIM)

Accommodation review for Cluster related services

Data Protection Impact Assessment provider

Joint resource with Regional Partnership Board for delivery of Carers work

Cluster Pharmacist

Social Prescriber

Welsh Government allocation



Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth a galwadau ffôn yn y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg. Atebir gohebiaeth Gymraeg yn y Gymraeg, ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at oedi. Mae’r dudalen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg drwy bwyso’r botwm ar y dde ar frig y dudalen.

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