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Merger of Alfred Street Primary Care Centre, Rosedale Medical Practice and Waterside Medical Practice

This public engagement closed on 12th March 2023.

Swansea Bay University Health Board has received an application from the Partners of Alfred Street Primary Care Centre, Rosedale Medical Practice and Waterside Medical Practice to merge.

A partnership currently exists between Dr Williams, Dr Perry, Dr Moore and Dr Mellin who hold three separate General Medical Service (GMS) contracts for the three general practice sites. All three surgeries currently operate five days per week and have a shared workforce. A business case prepared by the practice was submitted to the Health Board setting out a proposal to merge all three GMS contracts under the current partnership.

The merging of the GMS contracts will allow the practices to form a larger business structure, serving a patient population of circa 12,686 over three general practice sites and future proofing the practices in terms of sustainability.

The practices currently operate a same day, telephone first model, with the option for pre bookable appointments, and benefit from a large multidisciplinary team.

The proposed merger will not change the current clinical or management structure and there will be no new additions to the partnership. All three practices will continue to share their workforce across all sites. 

Waterside Health Centre will become the main premises due to its central location, accessibility to other sites and bus routes, whilst offering a large carpark to accommodate patients. There is no proposed change to boundaries. All patients are registered under a “Pooled GP” so there is no requirement for patients to be reallocated.

Services will continue to be provided on all sites, as currently provided for existing patients. However, patients may choose to attend a different surgery premises to access medical services if more convenient. Patients will not see significant service changes due to the merger, other than the proposed closure of the Alfred Street branch from 5:30pm daily.

During April 2022, the practice communicated with patients to seek their views and respond to any queries or concerns raised. All patients aged 14+ registered at Alfred Street, Rosedale and Waterside received packs from their surgery informing them of the proposed changes and how the changes may affect them. Over 11,000 letters were sent out.

541 questionnaires were returned and generally feedback was positive.

Patient and Stakeholder Engagement

Swansea Bay Community Health Council has recommended that a 6-week engagement should be led by the Health Board.

The patient and stakeholder engagement will begin on the 30th January 2023 and end on the 12th March 2023.  

The Health Board would like to hear your thoughts about this proposal or if you have any queries. Here's how you can submit your feedback:

An image of a QR code for the feedback form for the Alfred Street Primary Care Centre, Rosedale Medical Practice and Waterside Medical Practice Patient Engagement.

You can also get a copy of the feedback form by contacting the above e-mail address or telephone number.

Drop-in event

A public drop-in session will be held on Friday 17th February 2023, between 2pm and 6pm at Neath Community Centre, 10-12 Orchard Street, Neath SA11 1DU.

Follow this link to view a bilingual poster with information about the drop-in session to discuss the merger of Rosedale, Alfred Street and Waterside GP Practices.

Useful links

Follow this link to read a letter to all patients at Alfred Street Primary Care Centre, Rosedale Medical Practice and Waterside Medical Practice.

Follow this link to read an information leaflet containing the above information about the proposed merger of Alfred Street Primary Care Centre, Rosedale Medical Practice and Waterside Medical Practice. 

Follow this link to read frequently asked questions about proposed merger of Alfred Street Primary Care Centre, Rosedale Medical Practice and Waterside Medical Practice.

Thank you for your assistance and we look forward to hearing from you.

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth a galwadau ffôn yn y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg. Atebir gohebiaeth Gymraeg yn y Gymraeg, ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at oedi. Mae’r dudalen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg drwy bwyso’r botwm ar y dde ar frig y dudalen.

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